A downloadable game

You woke up in the backrooms after clipping through the ground and now Lanky Kong is chasing after you for some reason. You have to collect 8 Donkey Kong merchandise to win. This is yet another backrooms game. It only took me 2-3 days to make this.

(It takes about 10-15 minutes to complete)


LankyKongGame.zip 62 MB
EscapeLankyKongMAC.app.zip 71 MB
EscapeLankyKongLINUX.zip 76 MB

Install instructions

                       IF YOU ARE ON WINDOWS

1. Extract the file called Lanky Kong Game.zip

2. Once extracted, click on the .exe file to open the game

                        IF YOU ARE ON LINUX

1. Extract the file called EscapeLankyKongLINUX.zip

2. Once extracted, click on the EscapeLankyKongLINUX.x86_64 to open the game

                            IF YOU ARE ON MAC

1. Extract the file called EscapeLankyKongMAC.app.zip

2. Once extracted, click on the "contents" folder. After that, click on the folder that says "MacOS" and then click the file inside of that folder.

Development log


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My loathing towards you is boundless. Please passionately kiss me on the mouth (with tongue please). 

10/10, would recommend <333

thank you bb


love the game thank you 

Glad you liked it :)

